
Sugar the ACNE culprit?

Let’s start with the basics…

As you may know ACNE is a skin disease caused by inflammation and clogged pores. Have you wondered what causes clogged pores? It’s SUGAR…..

Sugars are tiny natural grains of sweetness that we all crave. It’s everywhere from fruits and vegetables to a can of dry nuts. It’s even hiding in the bag of chips I like to eat.  And every time when we consume sugar it raises our insulin level. When we eat a lot of sugar our insulin level will skyrocket…..clogging pores and causing inflammation. The more sugar we eat the more we may break out. For those who can consume tons of sweets and have even a slight break out…LUCKY YOU

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My acne breakout is most severe when I eat sugary food during the week (ice cream yum, bagels, muffins…you name it) and by the end of the week my face would be covered with pimples.  It took me years to link together acne and sugar. First I started to reduce my sugar intake and my skin started to clear up and look healthier. We cannot completely eliminate our sugar intake but we can reduce the amount of sugar we eat. One tip is to incorporate more whole foods likes fruits, vegetables, beans, and less processed food.

My Diet

Now I eat whole food, and cut out take outs and processed package foods (includes a lot of sugar).  I have cheat days and try to eat in moderation….but it’s tough.  To keep myself on the right track I make my own meals at home…breakfast, lunch and dinner. It’s tough so I plan simple meals to make on the stove top. I don’t have the time to preheat the oven.  The easiest way is to have meal plan at the beginning of the week and follow it. I do my grocery shopping based on the Glycemic Index (GI) to see which foods and vegetables have a lower GI. Foods with a higher GI increase the sugar level in our blood.

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Quick facts

  • Sugar is not processed the same way; some are processed more than others.
  • Brown sugar is white sugar mixed with molasses syrup
  • Cane sugar is less processed than white sugar
  • Agave sweetener is low on the glycemic index but it contains high-fructose corn syrup (aka high processed sugar)
  • Stevia is a natural sweetener form the Stevia plant that does not raise your sugar level. However there are studies that suggest it have a negative effect in the long run.

Cases Studies

  1. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health – Study with 43 acne patients shows support that insulin (sugar) play a role in acne. (Here)
  1. American Academy of Dermatologist – Study with 23 males that followed a low glycemic load (low sugar) diet. A majority of the participants saw an improvement in skin complexion. (Here)

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